6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy

Approaching its fiftieth anniversary, the University John F. Kennedy Argentina today is doomed to the renovation of its offer and the development and coordination of institutional computerization to optimize their services in tune with the demands of the times. No less important is the task that leads to further deepen the educational and research mission of the institution towards a world more focused on values, a more just world and above all, a more united and peaceful world.

The Argentina John F. Kennedy University is a private university, the so-called first generation. The project started in 1960 and began its activities in 1964, achieving full recognition in 1981 by Decree No. 543 of the National Executive.

Its creation was not a random act nor random. It was a spiritual enterprise that was imposed on the original limitations, based on the work of transformation of man by the transcendental values​​. From modest beginnings, in material aspects are concerned, the university attracted from the beginning to an exceptional group of intellectuals among which stood out as the central figure for many years Don Miguel Herrera Figueroa as its Rector, the effort and talent his leadership with his intellectual production.

With the name of the University no misunderstandings. Argentina” by thinking it in the service of the country; John F. Kennedy“, because as the President had been graduates of the best universities in the country to cooperate in the government, it was thought that this nascent institution could create university able to transform the country, the state and the community, while cooperation among the countries of the continent began to outline its importance.

Its emblem: Trinus et unus. Vita, spiritus et societas is the manifestation of an institution that seeks to dynamically maintain a balance of efforts in training the person in their life, spiritual and evaluative dimensions through the fulfillment of the three essential missions: Research, Teaching and serve the Community.

From its origins, its imprint the defined non-elitist and strong social and community commitment. Non-denominational, although humanistic, integrative and existential. Open to learn, without ideological, religious or racial sectarianism. With an educational student-centered concept, embodied through the role of the teacher, that does not lead or manage, but facilitates and encourages at different levels: Undergraduate (School of Arts, Sciences and Technology); Degree (Special Schools); and Graduate Studies (Graduate School).

UK time involved for a major innovation in the field of higher education in the country with the departmental structure and the creation of a School of Arts, Sciences and Techniques: Common Basic Cycle to various schools, new racing venues as Demography and Tourism , Social Service, Public Relations, Science Theatre, Advertising that with sociology and psychology came to responding to the demands of the time. The offer was extended with Law and Architecture, among others, until in the last decades to the development of the area of ​​Health Sciences with the Schools of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Dentistry.

In this half century took the great changes that took place in the university sphere in our country in recent years-the massiveness of university education, the change in methodologies, curriculum content, processes of self-evaluation and external evaluation acreditación-; expanded and improved infrastructure administrative support services, which is reflected in objective data:

More than 110,000 students passed through its halls, of which 30,000 and 20,000 graduate received financial assistance.
1 Undergraduate School Special stimulates the formation of real college students.
Grade 29 races are held.
Two doctorates, one master and 3 specialties, all graduate programs accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation (CONEAU).
1 University Teaching Professional as separate disciplinary branches, with strong teaching vocation.
1,100 teachers joined us in the work of teaching and learning of knowledge and attitudes.
26 themselves in the city of Buenos Aires, San Isidro Lanús and buildings.
A constantly updated library operates as a center for teaching activities and research.
Very active in culture and sport through the Coro Kennedy that although independent was conceived and supported by the University; Workshop 1 and 2 theater groups; and sports participation in domestic and inter-university tournaments, the latter organized by the Amateur Sports Association Degree (ADAU).

Conscious of the need to provide a service to the community, the Department of University Extension provided in the lifelong learning opportunities post-secondary level and conducts refresher training and development for university students and the general public. The Academic Assistance Mental Health Unit and the School of Dentistry, as well as other schools, provide professional assistance to the community in most cases, free. Various support programs for marginalized communities are carried out with the participation of students and staff of the institution.



web site : https://www.kennedy.edu.ar

Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy

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