6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University) is one of the oldest teacher-training institutions in the country. It was founded on 2(14) May 1797 by Emperor Paul I as St. Petersburg Educational House, and later lay the foundations for other pedagogical institutions in the XIX – early XX centuries. These were formed into a single pedagogical institute by Decree of the People’s Commissar for Education on 1 September 1918. On 15 January 1920 the Presidium of the All-Union Executive Committee decreed that the institute be named after Alexander Herzen. The Ministry of Education, in issuing order No. 25 of 24 January 1991, gave Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute university status, and it has been called the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia since then.

The university’s contribution to Russian society has been substantial, and we recall with pride the names of the outstanding scientists and scholars who have worked at Herzen University, making their significant contributions to the development of the country’s science and industry. Among them are such luminaries as academician I. Kurchatov, the father of the Russian nuclear physics school; professor A. Gershun, the founder of the optical industry; the astronomer S. Glasenapp; academician V. Ipatieff, an army general and a chemist; A. Fersman, the pioneer of geochemistry, professor V. Perekalin, the chemist who supervised the development of the pharmaceutical drug Phenibut, used in aerospace medicine and child psychiatry. The plethora of famous Herzen personalities includes pedagogues P. Kapterev, V. Soroka-Rossinsky, and A. Pinkevich; chemists V. Verkhovsky, and A. Favorsky, the botanist V. Komarov, geographers V. Semenov-Tian-Shansky and Yu. Shokalsky, physiologists L. Orbeli and K. Bykov, the mathematician G. Fikhtengolts, historians E. Tarle, V. Struve, A. Presnyakov, S. Oldenburg, B. Grekov, the psychologist L. Vygotsky, philologists S. Ozhegov, L. Scherba, V. Zhirmunsky, N. Marr, writers M. Gorky and E. Zamyatin, and many others. Today Herzen University employs more than 1700 scholars, 1000 of whom hold Candidate of Science degrees, 300 are Doctors of Science, 6 are academicians and 9 are corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, and 23 are Honoured Scientists of the Russian Federation. In 2012 Professor A. Grib, Department of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, was awarded the gold medal by the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science (TGA 2012) for his fundamental contribution to the development of the theory of quantum fields in curved space.

The University’s graduates make a considerable contribution to the country’s social and cultural life. Some of the writers, poets, composers, actors, sportsmen, and political figures are well-known outside of Russia, as well, including: N. Zabolotsky, A. Kushner, V. Sangi, A. Chepurov, L. Reznikov, A. Morozov, L. Egorova.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 30 of 15 January 1998 Herzen University was included in the list of the State Corpus of Heritage Sites in Russia. This decree is further proof that today the University is among the leaders in Russian education, a major cultural and educational center, a unique multidiscipline research and educational complex which maintains and develops the best academic and educational traditions in Russia and worldwide.




Today the University comprises 5 institutes, 21 faculties, 3 affiliations in the towns of Volkhov, Vyborg, and Makhachkala, over 130 departments, 3 research centers, 27 educational and cultural centers including the Linguistic Center, the DAAD Resource Center, and the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. All departments work in close cooperation with the University’s over 25 research centers and laboratories, including: the Physics Research Institute, the Continuing Education Research Institute, and the General Education Research Institute.

Alongside the training of highly qualified teachers for universities and secondary schools, Herzen University offers a broad range of non-teaching specializations, allowing it to fit into the category of traditional universities. The university admits students to 57 educational programs integrated in 10 groups (32 Bachelor’s programs, 2 Specialist programs and 23 Master’s programs). The university offers programs in Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The latest achievements in the spheres of education management and economics, juvenile justice, etc. form the foundation of the training programs for psychologists, economists, lawyers, managers, IT specialists and quality control managers. Still, the teacher-training programs remain the priority for Herzen University. Through its history the university has been and remains the largest innovative teacher-training center in Russia, turning out highly professional educators.



FacultyInternet-pageInformation in one file (English)
Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Fine Artsin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Biologyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Life Safetyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Foreign Languagesin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Information Technologiesin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Russian as a Foreign Languagein Englishin Russian
Faculty of Special Educationin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Mathematicsin Englishin Russian
School of Managementin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Physicsin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Musicin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Economicsin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Lawin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Geographyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Social Sciencesin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Physical Educationin Englishin Russian

Faculty of Human Philosophyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Philologyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Chemistryin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Technology andEntrepreneurshipin Englishin Russian




InstituteInternet-pageInformation in one file (English)
Institute of Childhoodin Englishin Russian
Institute of the People of the Northin Englishin Russian
Institute of Natural Sciencein Englishin Russian
Institute of International Relationsin English in Russian
Institute of the Humanitiesin Englishin Russian
Institute of Postgraduate Educationin Englishin Russian
Research Institute of ContinuousTeacher Educationin Englishin Russian
Research Institute of GeneralEducationin Englishin Russian


St.Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation

DAAD Information Center in St.Petersburg

American Studies Resource Center

Chinese Cultural Center

Center of Spanish-speaking Cultures

Center of Portuguese Language and Literature


Please, contact us by  using the following contact information: 



 Vice-Rector for International Cooperation

 Tel.: +7 (812) 314 7859

 Fax: +7 (812) 314 7654

 E-mail: boikov@herzen.spb.ru



 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

 6 Kazanskaya (Plekhanova) st.

 191186, St. Petersburg


Internet: http://www.herzen.spb.ru

International Students DepartmentAcademic Mobility Department
Victoria VORONTSOVA – Head of the DepartmentElena ISAEVA– Head of the Department
Tel.: +7(812) 314-7873Tel.: +7(812) 314-7676
e-mail: victoria1502@list.rue-mail: isaeva@herzen.spb.ru

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

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