8 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi


Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 4 Temmuz 1997 tarih ve 23039 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayınlanan 97/9535 sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı ile kurulmuş olup, Eğitim-Öğretim faaliyetlerini Hendek Kampüsü’nde sürdürmektedir.

1997-1998 yılında Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programı ve Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği programlarına alınan 84 öğrenci ile Eğitim-Öğretim faaliyetlerine başlayan Eğitim Fakültesi 2012-2013 Eğitim-Öğretim yılına gelindiğinde 12 adet Lisans Programı ile 4689 öğrenciye, 2 adet Doktora, 10 adet Tezli Yüksek Lisans ve 7 adet Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı ile yaklaşık 400 öğrenciye lisansüstü seviyede eğitim vermektedir.

Halen Fakültemizde 4 Profesör, 16 Doçent, 38 Yardımcı Doçent, 24 Öğretim Görevlisi, 2 Okutman ve 42 Araştırma Görevlisi olmak üzere 126 akademik personel görev yapmaktadır. Fakültemiz adına başka üniversitelerde doktora öğrenimini sürdüren 8 Araştırma Görevlimiz bulunmaktadır. İdari personelimizin sayısı ise 15’ dir.

 Bölümler ve Programlar

1)   Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümü

Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Doktora Programı

2)   Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü

Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Doktora Programı

Uzaktan Eğitim Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

3)   Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü

Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Lisans Programı

Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Doktora Programı

Eğitim Programları ve Öğretimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

4)   İlköğretim Bölümü

Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

İlköğretim Doktora Programı

İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

İlköğretim Matematik Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Sınıf Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Sınıf Öğretmenliği Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Sınıf Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Tezli Yüksek Programı

5)   Ortaöğretim Fen ve Matematik Alanları Eğitimi Bölümü

Fizik Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

Kimya Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

Matematik Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

6)   Ortaöğretim Sosyal Alanlar Eğitimi Bölümü

Felsefe Grubu Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

Tarih Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretmenliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

7)   Özel Eğitim Bölümü

Zihinsel Engelliler Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

8)   Türkçe Eğitimi Bölümü

Türkçe Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı

Türkçe Öğretmenliği Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı

Türkçe Öğretmenliği Doktora Programı

9)   Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Bölümü

İngilizce Öğretmenliği Programı

7 Ekim 2014 Salı

University of South Australia

University of South Australia e1412675023141



UniSA is a globally-focused, locally-engaged institution established on the dual principles of equity and excellence.

With more than 33,000 students, the university is South Australia’s largest and was the youngest Australian institution to be named in the top 50 of 2013 The Times Higher Education’s Top 100 global universities aged under 50.

We offer more than 400 degree programs across a wide range of subjects including business, law, education, arts and social sciences, health sciences, information technology, engineering and the environment.

We believe a university’s reputation is determined largely by the quality of its graduates, and are proud that more than 90% of our graduates now in full-time work are employed in professional occupations within four months of completing their degrees.


Committed to accessibility

UniSA remains strongly committed to ensuring the opportunities offered by our programs are available to a diverse range of students, and in 2013 we conducted an historic, world-first online consultation initiative unijam that brought together staff, students, alumni and special external guests. The ideas and discussions generated during unijam were vital in the production of ‘Crossing the Horizon’, our strategic action plan 2013-2018.

Committed to excellence

Our commitment to excellence is also reflected in the calibre of our academics and researchers. The proportion of our staff holding doctorate qualifications (69%) remains significantly above the national average.

In addition, the 2012 national Excellence in Research for Australia evaluation reported that 86% of our assessed research was rated world-class or above.

As well as making a significant contribution to our economy and society, the university is an integral partner in a range of community events, including the Santos Tour Down Under UCI World Tour cycling race, and the Adelaide Festival of Arts.

Address: 101 Currie St, Adelaide SA 5001, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8302 6611

Resources and University Site : http://www.unisa.edu.au/

University of South Australia

Victorian College of Arts (Australia)

2669 8 e1412670212830

When you study Art at the VCA, you will be guided by some of Australia’s most progressive art educators and respected artists within a creative learning environment.

VCA Art’s studio and workshop facilities are designed to support your exploration of both traditional and new media. Our custom-designed studio complex sits alongside Victoria’s most important art venues, and is also home to the Student Gallery and the Margaret Lawrence Gallery.

Art at the VCA had its origins in the National Gallery School, which was founded in 1867. In 1992, it merged with the Prahran Faculty of Art (Victoria College), which also dates back to the mid-nineteenth century.

Drawing upon our strong history, we now enjoy a dynamic presence as a forward-looking school that prepares our artists for lifelong fulfilment in their chosen field.


Music making in the 21st Century is defined by specialisation and diversity, action and interaction, multimedia and collaboration. Contemporary Music at the VCA embraces these things as core experiences, offering programs that prepare students and develop research within the specialisations of Contemporary Music Performance, Interactive Composition and Music Theatre.

The program is built on a commercial and contemporary music making model that propagates both specialisation and cross-disciplinary collaboration that is mentor driven, practice based and industry linked. Content is both specialised and diverse.

Students join the ranks of our esteemed alumni, who are prominent music industry professionals working in diverse fields. Our alumni are an integral part of contemporary Australian music making, contributing to the country’s overall cultural export.


As Australia’s oldest and most respected university-based film school, Film and Television at the VCA attracts and challenges a diverse cohort of students. By joining us, you will be pushed to explore your creative potential, while forming relationships that will prove invaluable throughout your career.

Our practice-based ethos puts creativity and storytelling at the heart of everything we do. We balance critical training with intensive small classes and studio based practice – which delivers exceptional results. Our broad range of programs is taught by some of Australia’s leading filmmakers and industry gurus and our graduates have won scores of international awards at the Cannes, Sundance, Toronto, Berlin, Tribecca and New York film festivals.

You will have the opportunity to work the best High Definition equipment in the business and more importantly, to study Film and Television at the VCA puts you in stellar company – likeminded, creative and passionate people.


Performing Arts at the VCA encompasses the intensive disciplines of dance, theatre and production and forms a vital part of the VCA community.

These vibrant and innovative disciplines honour both traditional convention and contemporary development in the performing arts and emphasize autonomous artistic development within a highly collaborative, ensemble environment.

At the centre of our teaching philosophy is artistic inquiry and the development of purpose – the ability to examine, express and continually challenge yourself so that you can reach your highest creative potential. Intensive, hands-on experience with leading teachers, directors, choreographers, designers, production experts and performance-makers working professionally, brings this to life in a collaborative environment of practical and rigorous learning.

Located in the heart of Melbourne’s cultural precinct, Performing Arts has strong links with the local and national performance community, giving you career-defining access to leaders in all fields.

Situated in the heart of Melbourne’s arts precinct, The Victorian College of the Arts welcomes visitors and invites you to explore our unique features and facilities.
Victorian College of the Arts
The University of Melbourne

234 St Kilda Road



VIC 3006


Resources and University Site : https://vca.unimelb.edu.au


Victorian College of Arts (Australia)

6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

Universidad Nacional de la Pampa

La creación de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa se cumplió en un lapso significativamente breve, que apenas comprende los últimos cuatro meses del año 1958. En verdad que existen algunos antecedentes, en especial iniciativas vinculadas con estudios superiores en materia agronomía y veterinaria. Asimismo, el hecho de que el proceso creativo pudiese desenvolverse en tan breve lapso, demuestra que se habia formado un estado de opinión favorable en el grupo dirigente con capacidad de decisión en ese momento. Es que, en aquella época, había que crear los medios para completar la organización de la flamante provincia y, sobre todo, para proyectarla decididamente a la construcción de un futuro superior.

El proceso creativo se cumplió ceñidamente entre el 27 de agosto de 1958 y el 4 de septiembre del mismo año.

En la Primera fecha fue dictado el Decreto por qué se manda proyectar un instituto universitario en La Pampa. Lleva el número 1558/58 y designa al doctor Ernesto Benito Bonicatto para esa tarea. Debía tener por objeto “el estudio y desarrollo de los conocimientos dirigidos a resolver los problemas regionales de la Provincia y su zona de influencia”.

El 2 de septiembre de 1958, el doctor Bonicatto eleva el proyecto solicitado al interventor nacional, doctor Ismael Amit. Prevé que la Universidad de La Pampa -así propone llamarla- tendrá escuelas superiores de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales y escuelas de Visitadoras de Higiene y Asistentes Sociales, de Electrotecnia, de Obstetricia y de Enfermeras.

El 4 de septiembre el Interventor Nacional de La Pampa, doctor Amit, dicta el Decreto de Ley 1644/58, subscripto también por los ministros Héctor Carlos Fazzini y Modesto Luis A. Del Sueldo. Aprueba las bases propuestas para la creación, organización y funcionamiento de la Universidad de La Pampa y dispone su creación con sede en la ciudad de Santa Rosa.

La Universidad Nacional de La Pampa tiene como Bases y Objetivos:

  • Es una entidad de derecho público, autónoma y autárquica, que tiene como fines interpretar las necesidades de la sociedad y dinamizar el cambio en la misma, como asimismo la promoción, la difusión y la preservación de la cultura.  Cumple este propósito en contacto directo y permanente con el pensamiento universal y presta particular atención a los problemas regionales y nacionales.

  • Contribuye al desarrollo de la cultura, en el marco de una concepción humanista, mediante los estudios, la investigación científica y tecnológica y la creación artística.  Difunde las ideas, los logros de la ciencia y las realizaciones artísticas, por la enseñanza y los diversos medios de comunicación de los conocimientos.  Tiene especialmente el propósito de formar hombres democráticos.

  • Es una comunidad de docentes, estudiantes, graduados y personal no docente.  Procura la formación integral y armónica de sus componentes e infunde en ellos rectitud moral, responsabilidad cívica y convicciones democráticas.  Forma investigadores originales, profesionales idóneos y docentes de carrera, socialmente comprometidos y dispuestos a servir a un modelo de país políticamente libre, económicamente independiente y socialmente justo.  Encauza a los graduados en la enseñanza y en las tareas de investigación y a través de ellos estrecha su relación con la sociedad.  Desarrolla instancias de autoevaluación en procura de un mejoramiento de las actividades académicas.

  • Es esencialmente democrática y como tal afirma y defiende la doctrina democrática.  Es prescindente en materia ideológica,  política y religiosa, asegura dentro de su recinto la más amplia libertad de investigación y de expresión, pero no se desentiende de los hechos y procesos sociales, políticos e ideológicos, sino que los estudia científicamente y procura aportar soluciones superadoras.

  • Además de su tarea específica de centro de estudios y de enseñanza superior procura difundir los beneficios de su acción cultural y social directa, mediante le extensión universitaria.

  • Estudia y expone objetivamente sus conclusiones sobre los problemas nacionales y presta asesoramiento técnico a las instituciones estatales, pudiendo realizar convenios con instituciones privadas siempre que la naturaleza de éstas últimas responda al interés general.


Universidad Nacional de la Pampa

Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires - UCA

In our country, and in the Catholic environment, repeated talks started on the need for a denominational university during the second half of the nineteenth century, which defines the opposition to secularism that characterized all that period.

The idea of the creation of the University appears first in the Eucharistic Congress in 1884. In that Assembly held in the same year as the enactment of Law 1420 there was a resolution in favor of freedom of teaching in secondary and higher education. Furthermore, the idea of creating a Catholic University emerged, invested with the power to confer academic degrees in various faculties, in which Catholic doctrine would be taught in its entirety.

When at the end of the decade, Catholics resumed their interrupted movement, the same idea enthusiastically returned to be exteriorized. In the Assemblies of 1907 (Buenos Aires) and 1908 (Córdoba) the issue of academic freedom ocupies a preferential place. The first Catholic Youth Congress in 1908 notes the importance of the integral formation of youth and insists on carrying forward the resolutions that since 1902 had been adopted by the Episcopate in the sense of founding a Catholic University “in which youth are prepared for the exercise of professions and where the integrity of the catholic doctrine is taught.” Finally, the initiative is fulfilled in 1910 by decision of the Argentine Episcopate, who founded the Catholic University of Buenos Aires. This first University had been designed exclusively to provide its’ students, within a catholic formation and general culture, the required capacity for the exercise of certain professions. At that time there were no laws which regulated private universities, and in accordance with the constitutional provisions that recognize the right to teach and learn, the bishops believed that the lack of it, that it was no reason to deviate from the foundation of a university.

Fr. Luis Duprat was appointed Rector and the Higher Council for its part was made up of Drs. Joaquin Cullen, Emilio Lamarca and Angel Pizarro among others. Only after two years of its foundations its sole Faculty started to function, the Law Faculty. The curricula of the Faculty were organized under the public University plans and year after year it completed until it reached 6 years, having all subjects completed adding two obligatory courses of Philosophy and History which were destined to integrate the formation of students.

However, the life of this first Catholic University was short-lived: by failing to obtain recognition of their qualifications by the state, it closed its doors in 1922. All efforts were irrelevant to save the crisis in which the University was in. But the experience left a great lesson, it revealed the possibility of establishing a teacher body and an adequate structure capable of serving as base and preparation for an independent institute and of higher culture.


Resource Site : http://www.uca.edu.ar/

Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires - UCA

Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy

Approaching its fiftieth anniversary, the University John F. Kennedy Argentina today is doomed to the renovation of its offer and the development and coordination of institutional computerization to optimize their services in tune with the demands of the times. No less important is the task that leads to further deepen the educational and research mission of the institution towards a world more focused on values, a more just world and above all, a more united and peaceful world.

The Argentina John F. Kennedy University is a private university, the so-called first generation. The project started in 1960 and began its activities in 1964, achieving full recognition in 1981 by Decree No. 543 of the National Executive.

Its creation was not a random act nor random. It was a spiritual enterprise that was imposed on the original limitations, based on the work of transformation of man by the transcendental values​​. From modest beginnings, in material aspects are concerned, the university attracted from the beginning to an exceptional group of intellectuals among which stood out as the central figure for many years Don Miguel Herrera Figueroa as its Rector, the effort and talent his leadership with his intellectual production.

With the name of the University no misunderstandings. Argentina” by thinking it in the service of the country; John F. Kennedy“, because as the President had been graduates of the best universities in the country to cooperate in the government, it was thought that this nascent institution could create university able to transform the country, the state and the community, while cooperation among the countries of the continent began to outline its importance.

Its emblem: Trinus et unus. Vita, spiritus et societas is the manifestation of an institution that seeks to dynamically maintain a balance of efforts in training the person in their life, spiritual and evaluative dimensions through the fulfillment of the three essential missions: Research, Teaching and serve the Community.

From its origins, its imprint the defined non-elitist and strong social and community commitment. Non-denominational, although humanistic, integrative and existential. Open to learn, without ideological, religious or racial sectarianism. With an educational student-centered concept, embodied through the role of the teacher, that does not lead or manage, but facilitates and encourages at different levels: Undergraduate (School of Arts, Sciences and Technology); Degree (Special Schools); and Graduate Studies (Graduate School).

UK time involved for a major innovation in the field of higher education in the country with the departmental structure and the creation of a School of Arts, Sciences and Techniques: Common Basic Cycle to various schools, new racing venues as Demography and Tourism , Social Service, Public Relations, Science Theatre, Advertising that with sociology and psychology came to responding to the demands of the time. The offer was extended with Law and Architecture, among others, until in the last decades to the development of the area of ​​Health Sciences with the Schools of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Dentistry.

In this half century took the great changes that took place in the university sphere in our country in recent years-the massiveness of university education, the change in methodologies, curriculum content, processes of self-evaluation and external evaluation acreditación-; expanded and improved infrastructure administrative support services, which is reflected in objective data:

More than 110,000 students passed through its halls, of which 30,000 and 20,000 graduate received financial assistance.
1 Undergraduate School Special stimulates the formation of real college students.
Grade 29 races are held.
Two doctorates, one master and 3 specialties, all graduate programs accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation (CONEAU).
1 University Teaching Professional as separate disciplinary branches, with strong teaching vocation.
1,100 teachers joined us in the work of teaching and learning of knowledge and attitudes.
26 themselves in the city of Buenos Aires, San Isidro Lanús and buildings.
A constantly updated library operates as a center for teaching activities and research.
Very active in culture and sport through the Coro Kennedy that although independent was conceived and supported by the University; Workshop 1 and 2 theater groups; and sports participation in domestic and inter-university tournaments, the latter organized by the Amateur Sports Association Degree (ADAU).

Conscious of the need to provide a service to the community, the Department of University Extension provided in the lifelong learning opportunities post-secondary level and conducts refresher training and development for university students and the general public. The Academic Assistance Mental Health Unit and the School of Dentistry, as well as other schools, provide professional assistance to the community in most cases, free. Various support programs for marginalized communities are carried out with the participation of students and staff of the institution.



web site : https://www.kennedy.edu.ar

Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy

Voronezh State University

  • Voronezh State University is a research-led institution and its research activities are organised within a network of 18 faculties, 6 research institutes, 16 research laboratories administered by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Our 10 research and developments centres have a strong record in collaborating with the region’s leading commercial and public sector organisations.

  • We pride ourselves on fundamental cutting-edge research currently carried out in the Nanotechnology Centre and the Science Park which house state-of-the-art facilities and implement advanced technologies enabling us to consistently retain high rankings among the leading Russian Universities.

  • We are among Top 100 BRICS Universities (17th in Russia and 90th in BRICS).

  • We have an excellent academic portfolio of over 100 postgraduate courses which are available both to Russian and international students. Aiming to provide greater research opportunities we expand the number of our postgraduate courses every year across different faculties.

  • We offer a multitude of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses (both full- and part-time) which centre around the following major research and teaching programmes:
    • physics and mathematics,

    • radiophysics,

    • electronics,

    • natural sciences,

    • geosciences,

    • humanities and social sciences,

    • educational theory and pedagogy,

    • medicine and pharmaceutics,

    • economics and management.

  • Apart from its 10 buildings and 7 residence halls located primarily in the city centre, the university’s infrastructure comprises:
    • a unique Nature Reserve Galichya Gora open to staff and students’ research and study: it is the only university-affiliated nature reserve in Europe;

    • excellent library facilities providing access to numerous learning resources as well as a collection of old and rare books, some of which date back to the 16th century;

    • Folk Culture and Ethnography Museum;

    • Book Museum;

    • University’s History Museum;

    • Geological Museum;

    • Soil Museum named after prof. P.G. Aderikhin;

    • Museum of the Central Black Earth Region Flora named after prof. I.I. Barabash-Nikiforov;

    • Usmanskyi Bor Natural Museum;

    • Virtual VSU Computer Centre Museum.

  • Currently over 1400 staff are actively involved in research projects, including 100 research fellows, 3 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign Academies, and 292 professors. A total of 43 staff members hold various honorary titles awarded by the government of the Russian Federation for their outstanding achievements and notable contribution to their research fields.

  • The university’s research portfolio includes as many as 28 key research areas with strong emphasis on ground-breaking research into nanotechnologies.

  • Over the course of its long and glorious history Voronezh State University has formed more than 40 internationally recognized academic and research communities which annually undertake more than 200 research projects and are regularly awarded national and international grants to pursue their research. Currently the staff are actively engaged in 8 international projects as part of TEMPUS and FP7 programmes.

  • Voronezh State University is home to 25 Dissertation Defense Boards which oversee the preparation and the defense of PhD, Dr. phil. habil and Dr. phil. nat. habil dissertations and submit recommendations to the Supreme Certifying Committee for the award of postgraduate degrees.

  • Voronezh State University is highly committed to distributing and exchanging knowledge and expertise generated by our researchers. We have rightfully earned a reputation as a leading research centre in Russia due to a total of more than 60 national and international conferences that we host on an annual basis. We also view it as our number-one priority to uphold a long-established tradition of international quality academic publishing.

  • Over a span of more than 95 years of our history we are proud to have awarded degrees to more than 100 000 graduates.

  • Nearly 1650 academic staff work at the university, including 277 professors and 856 senior lecturers. Some of the university’s most notable members of staff include.

web site : http://www.vsu.ru/

Voronezh State University

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia has its roots going far back into the 19th century. Back then, professors from the Imperial Moscow Technical School (currently, Bauman State Technical University, Moscow, Russia) came up with an idea of establishing an Industrial College in Moscow to train “Chemical and Mechanical Engineer Assistants”.


This proposal received an enormous support on behalf of the Moscow City Duma on February 9, 1880, which passed a Decision to Build an Industrial College in Moscow to Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Russian Emperor Alexander II Reign.

The college foundation was laid on Miusskaya Square in Moscow on May 23, 1898. The classes began on July 1 in leased premises, and the first class was out of school in 1906.


First graduates of Moscow Industrial College


Auditory building of Moscow Industrial College, 1904

Moscow Industrial College had a strong faculty, many of whom had been professionally trained at the Imperial Moscow Technical School and Moscow State University. This fact predetermined the dynamic development of the new educational institution, which was transformed into the Moscow Chemical Technical College in 1918, and began to churn out applied engineers.


Moscow Industrial College teachers, 1904

In 1920, Moscow Chemical Technical College was used as a basis to establish Moscow D. Mendeleyev Institute of Chemical Technology (MCTI), which became the first specialised chemical technical school establishment in Russia to train professionals for the chemical and related industries, and made a hefty contribution in the industrial development and defense potential, especially during World War II.

In 1992, the Decree by the Russian Government transformed Moscow D. Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology into D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.

Moscow D. Mendeleyev Institute of Chemical Technology became the forebear of a number of renowned higher educational institutions in the USSR, and other countries. MCTI/MUCTR takes pride in its famous scientists and founders of new research areas, such as Academicians N. Vorozhtsov, N. Zhavoronkov, V. Korshak, B. Zhukov, V. Koptyug, V. Legasov, V. Kafarov, famed process engineers N. Yushkevich, V. Yung, G. Petrov, A. Bakayev, senior officials within Russia’s higher education system, including S. Kaftanov and G. Yagodin, the USSR Minister of Culture P. Dyomichev, and many others.

The glorious cohort of the disciples carries on the cause of their teachers. MCTI/MUCTR graduates have effectively dealt with the challenges facing the USSR and Russia, including the defense issues.

This school is unlike others in terms of the fundamental nature and wide range of training provided to its students, multiple forms of the training process, and blending of the academic and research activities within the University. Currently, MUCTR is among the leaders of Russia’s technical universities, and enjoys the highest rating among Russia’s chemical technology schools. The University has gained the international recognition as a leading educational and research centre providing training for highly skilled professionals. MUCTR owes much of its success for over the past 20 years to Academician P. Sarkisov, Rector and current President of the University.

During nearly 130 years of existence, the University went through a lot of trials and tribulations alongside the Russian science and industry, including the painful period of World War II, and the post-war reconstruction of Russian economy. The faculty and staff of D. Mendeleyev University dealt enthusiastically with the issues of the nuclear energy use, cybernetics development, and conservation of the environment. Today, too, the University researchers continue their studies in the cutting-edge areas of the chemical science, and achieve outstanding results in bringing solutions to the problems of the fundamental science and applied research.


web site : http://www.muctr.ru

MCTI – MUCTR Rectors and Directors


K. Zograf


(first director of the Institute)


I. Tishchenko

1922 – 1929


I. Pilsky

1937 – 1943


N. Zhavoronkov

1948 – 1962


S. Kaftanov

1962 – 1973


G. Yagodin

1973 – 1985


P. Sarkisov

1985 – 2005

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University) is one of the oldest teacher-training institutions in the country. It was founded on 2(14) May 1797 by Emperor Paul I as St. Petersburg Educational House, and later lay the foundations for other pedagogical institutions in the XIX – early XX centuries. These were formed into a single pedagogical institute by Decree of the People’s Commissar for Education on 1 September 1918. On 15 January 1920 the Presidium of the All-Union Executive Committee decreed that the institute be named after Alexander Herzen. The Ministry of Education, in issuing order No. 25 of 24 January 1991, gave Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute university status, and it has been called the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia since then.

The university’s contribution to Russian society has been substantial, and we recall with pride the names of the outstanding scientists and scholars who have worked at Herzen University, making their significant contributions to the development of the country’s science and industry. Among them are such luminaries as academician I. Kurchatov, the father of the Russian nuclear physics school; professor A. Gershun, the founder of the optical industry; the astronomer S. Glasenapp; academician V. Ipatieff, an army general and a chemist; A. Fersman, the pioneer of geochemistry, professor V. Perekalin, the chemist who supervised the development of the pharmaceutical drug Phenibut, used in aerospace medicine and child psychiatry. The plethora of famous Herzen personalities includes pedagogues P. Kapterev, V. Soroka-Rossinsky, and A. Pinkevich; chemists V. Verkhovsky, and A. Favorsky, the botanist V. Komarov, geographers V. Semenov-Tian-Shansky and Yu. Shokalsky, physiologists L. Orbeli and K. Bykov, the mathematician G. Fikhtengolts, historians E. Tarle, V. Struve, A. Presnyakov, S. Oldenburg, B. Grekov, the psychologist L. Vygotsky, philologists S. Ozhegov, L. Scherba, V. Zhirmunsky, N. Marr, writers M. Gorky and E. Zamyatin, and many others. Today Herzen University employs more than 1700 scholars, 1000 of whom hold Candidate of Science degrees, 300 are Doctors of Science, 6 are academicians and 9 are corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, and 23 are Honoured Scientists of the Russian Federation. In 2012 Professor A. Grib, Department of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, was awarded the gold medal by the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science (TGA 2012) for his fundamental contribution to the development of the theory of quantum fields in curved space.

The University’s graduates make a considerable contribution to the country’s social and cultural life. Some of the writers, poets, composers, actors, sportsmen, and political figures are well-known outside of Russia, as well, including: N. Zabolotsky, A. Kushner, V. Sangi, A. Chepurov, L. Reznikov, A. Morozov, L. Egorova.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 30 of 15 January 1998 Herzen University was included in the list of the State Corpus of Heritage Sites in Russia. This decree is further proof that today the University is among the leaders in Russian education, a major cultural and educational center, a unique multidiscipline research and educational complex which maintains and develops the best academic and educational traditions in Russia and worldwide.




Today the University comprises 5 institutes, 21 faculties, 3 affiliations in the towns of Volkhov, Vyborg, and Makhachkala, over 130 departments, 3 research centers, 27 educational and cultural centers including the Linguistic Center, the DAAD Resource Center, and the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. All departments work in close cooperation with the University’s over 25 research centers and laboratories, including: the Physics Research Institute, the Continuing Education Research Institute, and the General Education Research Institute.

Alongside the training of highly qualified teachers for universities and secondary schools, Herzen University offers a broad range of non-teaching specializations, allowing it to fit into the category of traditional universities. The university admits students to 57 educational programs integrated in 10 groups (32 Bachelor’s programs, 2 Specialist programs and 23 Master’s programs). The university offers programs in Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The latest achievements in the spheres of education management and economics, juvenile justice, etc. form the foundation of the training programs for psychologists, economists, lawyers, managers, IT specialists and quality control managers. Still, the teacher-training programs remain the priority for Herzen University. Through its history the university has been and remains the largest innovative teacher-training center in Russia, turning out highly professional educators.



FacultyInternet-pageInformation in one file (English)
Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Fine Artsin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Biologyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Life Safetyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Foreign Languagesin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Information Technologiesin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Russian as a Foreign Languagein Englishin Russian
Faculty of Special Educationin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Mathematicsin Englishin Russian
School of Managementin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Physicsin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Musicin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Economicsin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Lawin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Geographyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Social Sciencesin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Physical Educationin Englishin Russian

Faculty of Human Philosophyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Philologyin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Chemistryin Englishin Russian
Faculty of Technology andEntrepreneurshipin Englishin Russian




InstituteInternet-pageInformation in one file (English)
Institute of Childhoodin Englishin Russian
Institute of the People of the Northin Englishin Russian
Institute of Natural Sciencein Englishin Russian
Institute of International Relationsin English in Russian
Institute of the Humanitiesin Englishin Russian
Institute of Postgraduate Educationin Englishin Russian
Research Institute of ContinuousTeacher Educationin Englishin Russian
Research Institute of GeneralEducationin Englishin Russian


St.Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation

DAAD Information Center in St.Petersburg

American Studies Resource Center

Chinese Cultural Center

Center of Spanish-speaking Cultures

Center of Portuguese Language and Literature


Please, contact us by  using the following contact information: 



 Vice-Rector for International Cooperation

 Tel.: +7 (812) 314 7859

 Fax: +7 (812) 314 7654

 E-mail: boikov@herzen.spb.ru



 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

 6 Kazanskaya (Plekhanova) st.

 191186, St. Petersburg


Internet: http://www.herzen.spb.ru

International Students DepartmentAcademic Mobility Department
Victoria VORONTSOVA – Head of the DepartmentElena ISAEVA– Head of the Department
Tel.: +7(812) 314-7873Tel.: +7(812) 314-7676
e-mail: victoria1502@list.rue-mail: isaeva@herzen.spb.ru

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind. The Institute admitted its first students in 1865, four years after the approval of its founding charter. The opening marked the culmination of an extended effort by William Barton Rogers, a distinguished natural scientist, to establish a new kind of independent educational institution relevant to an increasingly industrialized America. Rogers stressed the pragmatic and practicable. He believed that professional competence is best fostered by coupling teaching and research and by focusing attention on real-world problems. Toward this end, he pioneered the development of the teaching laboratory. Today MIT is a world-class educational institution. Teaching and research-with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle-continue to be its primary purpose. MIT is independent, coeducational, and privately endowed. Its five schools and one college encompass 34 academic departments, divisions, and degree-granting programs, as well as numerous interdisciplinary centers, laboratories, and programs whose work cuts across traditional departmental boundaries.

Main Campus

77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge  02139

United States

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Adelphi University

Adelphi is a place of opportunity where students gain the skills, knowledge and exposure to thrive as professionals and active citizens in an interconnected and fast-paced global society. Adelphi prides itself on a distinguished 118-year history.

Opportunity Through Exceptional Education

Adelphi has a long and impressive history of preparing students of all backgrounds through exceptional liberal arts and sciences education and professional training.

Adelphi is a pacesetter.

Adelphi’s College of Nursing and Public Health began in 1943 as the first Central Collegiate School of Nursing, which became one of the largest units of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dedicated the residence halls built to accommodate the cadets in 1944. Today, the College of Nursing and Public Health is thriving and, in 2015, will move to a new home in the 100,000-square-foot Nexus Building and Welcome Center.

In 1972, Adelphi’s Gordon F. Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies became the nation’s first university-based professional school of psychology. Since then, the Derner Institute has emerged as an internationally recognized leader in scientific and clinical psychology.

Adelphi is a center of opportunity.

With one of the lowest tuitions among the 19 private colleges and universities on Long Island, Adelphi has been named a Best Buy by the Fiske Guide to Colleges for eight consecutive years. A low student-to-faculty ratio (10:1) enables Adelphi to carry out its commitment topersonalized education. And Adelphi’s graduation rates—the highest of any comprehensive private college in the Long Island region—are proof of the effectiveness of its approach.

Adelphi is a place of excellence.

Adelphi students are making their mark across academic fields and country borders. Adelphi students have garnered Fulbright Fellowships for research and service abroad. They have been recruited to leading universities for graduate work and to premier global companies, such as Google, to pursue rewarding careers. They have won prestigious scholarships, such as the Goldwater Scholarship, for their research and innovation. Students in Adelphi’s highly regarded performing arts program have garnered numerous accolades from the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance frequently has recognized students in the physical education program for their leadership, scholarship and community service.

Adelphi is a leader in global education.

Adelphi builds on a long tradition of global engagement dating back to its first president, Charles Levermore, Ph.D. As an outspoken internationalist, friend and classmate of Woodrow Wilson and recipient of the Bok Peace Prize, Dr. Levermore set an inspiring example. In 2006, Adelphi introduced its Levermore Global Scholars Program, an academic and co-curricular program designed to give select students across all majors additional exposure to global learning and service. Levermore Global Scholars can take advantage of global internships, programs with the United Nations, unique service projects and leadership training as well as individualized research opportunities. In recent years, Adelphi has expanded the study-abroad opportunities for all of its students. Today, students can choose from semester- and year-long programs as well as short-term, faculty-led intercession and summer courses in locations around the globe.


source : http://www.adelphi.edu/

Adelphi University

Adams State University

“Great Stories Begin Here” is not simply a slogan at Adams State University. Student success is the result of our caring campus culture.

Our highly qualified faculty focus on teaching and excellence within their disciplines.

Transformation & Growth

Adams State has entered a new era of growth, recording an all-time high enrollment of 3,701.

The campus has been transformed, with $65 million worth of improvements nearly complete.

An intimate campus with tree-lined walkways, state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories, supportive programs, and vibrant student life await Adams State students.

Founded in 1921 as a teachers’ college, Adams State is a university offering undergraduate majors, minors and emphases.  ASU also offers master’s degree programs and a doctoral program – most offered online. New academic programs are developed to address student and societal need. 

  • ASU Academic Programs

Expanding Opportunity

As the Regional Education Provider for southern Colorado, Adams State is crucial to enhancing the area’s educational opportunity, economic development, and cultural enrichment. Adams State emphasizes its historic commitment to under-served populations, including underrepresented minorities, first-generation, and low-income students.

Adams State was Colorado’s first higher education institution to be federally designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Since 2000, the university has been awarded a total of $14.1 million in Title V grants designed to strengthen HSIs. Two five-year grants totaling $6.1 million are currently underway.




Adams State University

Top Universities in the US by State 2014/15

A total of 144 top universities in the US are featured in the QS World University Rankings® 2014/15, more than any other country in the world. Of this number, 28 are ranked within the top 100 universities worldwide, and six are placed within the top 10.

Over the last academic year (2013-14) 28.3 million students were enrolled at universities across the US, of which approximately 24.5 million were undergraduates and 3.8 million graduate students. While the US has long been a dream study destination for prospective international students across the globe, over the previous academic year (2012-13), US universities saw an increase of 7.2% in the numbers of international students enrolled. This shows that, even more than ever, the US is a vast and popular international study choice.

Below is the full list of the top universities in the US featured in this year’s QS World University Rankings, grouped by their respective states. Adjacent to each school in brackets you’ll find the institution’s overall world rank, as well as their national rank within the US. Ranks with ‘=’ beside them indicate that the position is shared by another university.

Top universities in Alabama

University%20of%20Alabama Bordered by Mississippi in the west and Georgia in the east, Alabama is home to two internationally ranked US universities, both located within an hour’s drive of state capital Montgomery, as well as Birmingham, the largest city.

  • University of Alabama (501-550 in the world; 98=* in the US)

  • Auburn University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Alabama, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Arizona

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Hunkered down in the south-west region, adjacent to California in the west and Mexico in the south, Arizona hosts two of the top universities in the US. Arizona State University is located in downtown Phoenix, the capital and largest city, while the University of Arizona can be found just over 100 miles to the south.

  • University of Arizona (215= in the world; 53rd in the US)

  • Arizona State University (294= in the world; 63rd in the US)​

To find out more about studying in Arizona, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Arkansas


Situated between Oklahoma and Mississippi in the south, Arkansas is known as the birthplace of former president Bill Clinton as well as for its mountains, forests and natural diversity. The capital and largest city in Arkansas is Little Rock.

  • University of Arkansas (701+ in the world; 140th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Arkansas, visit our state guide >

Top universities in California


One of the top five US states for international students, California is the most populous state in the nation, due in large part to its attractive west coast location and leading industries within technology (Silicon Valley), agriculture (grapes) and education (see below)! Of the top US universities in California, Caltech is the ranking’s highest-placed ‘small’ university, while the University of California, Santa Cruz climbed the highest number of ranks this year, from 307= in the world to 265=. The state capital is Sacramento and its largest city is Los Angeles.

  • Stanford University (ranked 7th in the world; 3rd in the US)

  • California Institute of Technology (Caltech, 8th in the world; 4th in the US)

  • University of California, Berkeley (UCB, 27th in the world; 14th in the US)

  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, 37= in the world; 16th in the US)

  • University of California, San Diego (UCSD, 59th in the world; 20th in the US)

  • University of California, Davis (UCD, 95th in the world; 27th in the US)

  • University of Southern California (131st in the world; 37th in the US)

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB, 132= in the world; 38th in the US)

  • University of California, Irvine (UCI, 153rd in the world; 41st in the US)

  • University of California, Riverside (UCR, 261st in the world; 56th in the US)

  • University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC, 265= in the world; 57th in the US)

  • University of San Diego (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

  • University of San Francisco (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

  • University of the Pacific (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in California, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Colorado

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Colorado, known as one of the Mountain States, is home to large parts of the Southern Rocky Mountains and, in its central location, is bordered by a total of seven other states, including New Mexico in the south. The capital and most populous city is Denver.

  • University of Colorado at Boulder (182= in the world; 45= in the US)

  • Colorado State University (441-450 in the world; 89th in the US)

  • University of Denver (651-700 in the world; 121st in the US)

To find out more about studying in Colorado, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Connecticut 

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Located in the New England region, to the north-east of New York State, Connecticut is one of the three smallest states and also one of the most densely populated. The capital city is Hartford and the largest city is Bridgeport.

  • Yale University (10th in the world; 6th in the US)

  • University of Connecticut (401-410 in the world; 82nd in the US)

To find out more about studying in Connecticut, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Delaware


Located on the exotic-sounding Delmarva Peninsula on the east coast, Delaware is the second smallest state in the US, with Dover as its capital city. This year the state’s sole representative in the QS ranking climbed two classes, from 451-460 to 431-440 – good going!

  • University of Delaware (431-440 in the world; 84= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Delaware, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Florida

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Florida, home of oranges, leisure parks and the Kennedy Space Center, is relatively isolated on its south-eastern peninsula, stretching out almost halfway to Cuba via the Straits of Florida. Tallahassee is the capital city, but Miami remains Florida’s largest metropolis.

  • University of Florida (192= in the world; 49th in the US)

  • University of Miami (239th in the world; 55th in the US)

  • Florida State University (451-460 in the world; 90= in the US)

  • University of South Florida (481-490 in the world; 96= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Florida, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Georgia

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To the north of Florida is the US state of Georgia. With a southeastern subtropical climate, Georgia, known as The Peach State, has the city of Atlanta as its capital and most populous city.

  • Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech, 107th in the world; 30th in the US)

  • Emory University (156= in the world; 42nd in the US)

  • The University of Georgia (431-440 in the world; 84th in the US)

  • Georgia State University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)+

To find out more about studying in Georgia, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Hawaii


An island state known for its beautiful weather and strong North American and Asian cultural influences, Hawaii boasts much natural scenery, an abundance of beaches and awesome sunsets. The state’s sole representative in the global ranking moved up three places this year. The state capital is Honolulu.

  • University of Hawaii at Mā Noa (324= in the world; 68th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Hawaii, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Illinois

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The resting place of Abraham Lincoln, Illinois has a strong history of being central to social, cultural and political change. With three universities ranked within the global top 100, it’s also one of the five leading US states for numbers of international students. The capital of Illinois is Springfield and the largest city is Chicago.

  • University of Chicago (11th in the world; 7th in the US)

  • Northwestern University (34th in the world; 15th in the US)

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (63rd in the world; 22nd in the US)

  • University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC, 186th in the world; 47th in the US)

  • Illinois Institute of Technology (431-440 in the world; 84= in the US)

  • Loyola University Chicago (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Illinois, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Indiana

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Indiana, meaning ‘Land of the Indians’ is a Midwestern state in the Great Lakes region, which was home to large settlements of Native Americans for thousands of years. Indianapolis is its capital and largest city, and both Purdue University and Indiana University Bloomington have campuses located close to here. The University of Notre Dame can be found less than 150 miles north, with a view of Lake Michigan.

  • Purdue University (102nd in the world; 29th in the US)

  • University of Notre Dame (237th in the world; 54th in the US)

  • Indiana University Bloomington (272= in the world; 59th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Indiana, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Iowa


Bordered by both the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, Iowa is another Midwestern state, which was once part of a French colony. Boasting a diverse economy rooted in agriculture, Iowa has been listed as one of the safest states to live in. Its capital and largest city is Des Moines, where the University of Iowa is located. Iowa State University is based in Ames, about 30 miles north of Des Moines.

  • University of Iowa (269= in the world; 58th in the US)

  • Iowa State University (348= in the world; 71st in the US)

To find out more about studying in Iowa, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Kansas

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Bordered by Missouri in the east and Oklahoma in the south, the US state of Kansas offers a rich, sometimes bloody, history and a high yield of sunflowers, wheat and corn. The largest city in Kansas is Wichita, but the capital city is Topeka; both of the state’s internationally ranked universities are located within an hour of the latter.

  • University of Kansas (371= in the world; 75th in the US)

  • Kansas State University (501-550 in the world; 98= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Kansas, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Kentucky

Home to the largest system of caves in the US, Kentucky also hosts the largest numbers of deer and turkey. Found in the eastern south-central region, the state is also favorably reputed for its Bourbon distilleries and Bluegrass music.

  • University of Kentucky (501-550 in the world; 98= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Kentucky, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Louisiana


Located at the base of the Mississippi River in the south, Louisiana holds large areas of marsh and swamp lands, giving the state a thriving natural world bursting with birds, tree frogs and fish. Its capital city is Baton Rouge, where Louisiana State University is located, while its largest city New Orleans is home to Tulane University.

  • Tulane University (421-430 in the world; 83rd in the US)

  • Louisiana State University (LSU, 501-550 in the world; 98= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Louisiana, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Maryland


A small and densely populated state, largely located on the Delmarva Peninsula to the west of Delaware, Maryland boasts the US’s highest average household income levels, making it (on this measure) the wealthiest state. Its capital is Annapolis, but its largest city is Baltimore.

  • Johns Hopkins University (14= in the world; 9= in the US)

  • University of Maryland, College Park (122nd in the world; 35th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Maryland, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Massachusetts

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Another of the most popular US states for international students, Massachusetts hogs 11 of the top universities in the US, three of which are ranked within the world’s top 100. Located in the northeastern region of New England, known for its stunning autumnal (fall) colors, Massachusetts is the third most densely populated state. Two thirds of the population lives in the metropolitan area of Greater Boston – Boston being the capital and largest city.

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, 1st in the world; 1st in the US)

  • Harvard University (4th in the world; 2nd in the US)

  • Boston University (78th in the world; 25th in the US)

  • Tufts University (214th in the world; 52nd in the US)

  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst (282nd in the world; 62nd in the US)

  • Brandeis University (316= in the world; 67th in the US)

  • Boston College (341= in the world; 70th in the US)

  • Northeastern University (399= in the world; 81st in the US)

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (651-700 in the world; 121= in the US)

  • Clark University (651-700 in the world; 121= in the US)

  • Smith College (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Massachusetts, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Michigan

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Located in the Great Lakes region and sited on two peninsulas, Michigan is known as a state in which you are never more than six miles from a natural water source. Its capital is Lansing and its largest city is Detroit. The University of Michigan is the highest ranked public university in the US.

  • University of Michigan (23rd in the world; 12th in the US)

  • Michigan State University (195= in the world; 50th in the US)

  • Michigan Technological University (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Michigan, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Minnesota


Minnesota, the ‘Land of 10,000 Lakes’, is known as one of the healthiest US states, as well as the most literate. Many of the residents are of Scandinavian and German descent, with over 60% of the population living in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area, which is home to an internationally recognized arts community. The University of Minnesota is located in Minnesota’s largest city, Minneapolis.

  • University of Minnesota (119th in the world; 34th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Minnesota, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Mississippi


Named after the river that winds along the entirety of its western border, Mississippi is a southern state known for catfish farming. Its capital and largest city is Jackson, but the University of Mississippi is found in Oxford, to the north and close to a national forest.

  • University of Mississippi (375th in the world; 76th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Mississippi, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Missouri

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Largely made up of plains, mountain ranges and rivers, Missouri is the state where both the Missouri and Mississippi rivers merge (near the city of St. Louis). As well as an official state dinosaur named the Hypsibema missouriensis, Missouri is home to three of the top US universities. Its capital city is Jefferson and its largest is Kansas City.

  • Washington University in St. Louis (99th in the world; 28th in the US)

  • University of Missouri, Columbia (Mizzou, 451-460 in the world; 90= in the US)

  • Missouri University of Science and Technology (651-700 in the world; 121= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Missouri, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Nebraska


Found within the Great Plains region of the Midwest, Nebraska is characterized by often unpredictable weather, and the treeless prairies which are used for farming. The capital city is Lincoln and the largest city is Omaha.

  • University of Nebraska – Lincoln (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Nebraska, visit our state guide >

Top universities in New Hampshire


Located in New England and offering a number of the largest ski mountains on the east coast, New Hampshire is a major destination for fans of winter sports and mountaineering. The state is also home to the White Mountain National Forest Lake and the road which takes drivers up 6,288 feet to the top of Mount Washington. Its capital city is Concord and its largest city is Manchester.

  • Dartmouth College (136th in the world; 39th in the US)

  • University of New Hampshire (601-650 in the world; 111th in the US)

To find out more about studying in New Hampshire, visit our state guide >

Top universities in New Jersey

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Located just south of New York, New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the US and the second wealthiest in terms of median household income. A leading employer of scientists and engineers, New Jersey is home to the only Ivy League university to climb in the world rankings this year (Princeton University, which climbed from joint 10th to 9th). Trenton is the capital city, but Newark is the largest.

  • Princeton University (9th in the world; 5th in the US)

  • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick (279th in the world; 60th in the US)

  • New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT, 551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

  • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

  • Stevens Institute of Technology (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in New Jersey, visit our state guide >

Top universities in New Mexico


With a unique culture characterized by strong Hispanic and Native American influences, New Mexico is the fifth largest US state by area. A mountain state located in the south, New Mexico’s largest city is Albuquerque and its capital is Santa Fe. This year, the University of New Mexico shot up 33 places in the rankings!

  • University of New Mexico (397= in the world; 80th in the US)

To find out more about studying in New Mexico, visit our state guide >

Top universities in New York

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New York State is located just above New Jersey in the north-east, sharing borders with Canada. The state capital is Albany, but its most populous is the world-famous “New York, New York”, home to 8.3 million people and huge numbers of international students. Top US universities in New York include Columbia and Cornell, making it the only state to hold more than one Ivy League member.

  • Columbia University (14= in the world; 9= in the US)

  • Cornell University (19th in the world; 11th in the US)

  • New York University (NYU, 41= in the world; 17= in the US)

  • University of Rochester (164th in the world; 43rd in the US)

  • Yeshiva University (280= in the world; 61st in the US)

  • University at Buffalo SUNY (300= in the world; 64= in the US)

  • Stony Brook University (352= in the world; 72nd in the US)

  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (359th in the world; 74th in the US)

  • City University of New York (471-480 in the world; 94th in the US)

  • New School University (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

  • Syracuse University (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

  • University at Albany SUNY (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

  • Clarkson University (651-700 in the world; 121= in the US)

  • Binghamton University SUNY (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

  • Fordham University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in New York, visit our state guide >

Top universities in North Carolina

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Bordering Tennessee to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, North Carolina is a southeastern state which offers a highly diverse economy with influence in the engineering, finance, energy and biotechnology sectors. Offering both coast and mountains, North Carolina’s capital city is Raleigh and its largest city is Charlotte.

  • Duke University (25= in the world; 13th in the US)

  • University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (62nd in the world; 21st in the US)

  • Wake Forest University (338= in the world; 69th in the US)

  • North Carolina State University (388= in the world; 79th in the US)

To find out more about studying in North Carolina, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Ohio

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Located in the Midwest with Indiana to the west and Pennsylvania in the east, Ohio is the seventh most populous state in the US. Ohio’s capital and largest city is Columbus, where Ohio State University is located. Other top universities in Ohio can be found in Cincinnati and Cleveland.

  • Ohio State University (109th in the world; 31st in the US)

  • Case Western Reserve University (189th in the world; 48th in the US)

  • University of Cincinnati (471-480 in the world; 94= in the US)

  • Miami University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

  • Ohio University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Ohio, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Oklahoma


A southern state, Oklahoma is rich in Native American ancestry, with over 25 Native American languages are spoken – a number second only to California. Comprised of small mountain ranges, prairies, mesas and forests, and inclined to unpredictable weather, Oklahoma’s capital and largest city is Oklahoma City.

  • University of Oklahoma (451-460 in the world; 90= in the US)

  • Oklahoma State University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

  • University of Tulsa (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Oklahoma, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Oregon

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Situated on the Pacific Coast in the north west of the US, Oregon provides a diverse landscape of coastline, volcanic mountain ranges, waterfalls and a large number of national forests. Salem is the capital city and Portland is the largest.

  • Oregon State University (451-460 in the world; 90= in the US)

  • University of Oregon (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Oregon, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Pennsylvania

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With the Appalachian Mountains running straight through its center and surrounded by many ‘Great Lakes’, Pennsylvania is a beautiful and diverse study destination. Located in the northeast to the south of New York State, Pennsylvania’s capital is Harrisburg and its largest city is Philadelphia.

  • University of Pennsylvania (13th in the world; 8th in the US)

  • Carnegie Mellon University (65= in the world; 23= in the US)

  • University of Pittsburgh (111th in the world; 32nd in the US)

  • Pennsylvania State University (112th in the world; 33rd in the US)

  • Drexel University (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

  • Lehigh University (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

  • Temple University (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Pennsylvania, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Rhode Island

Another in the New England region, Rhode Island claims the title of the smallest US state and is the second most densely populated. Rhode Island’s capital and largest city is Providence, where Ivy League member Brown University is located.

  • Brown University (52= in the world; 19th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Rhode Island, visit our state guide >

Top universities in South Carolina

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Boasting a myriad of lakes and rivers which pave their way through the state down to the Atlantic coast, South Carolina is popular among nature lovers and extreme water sports fans. The Chattooga River on the western border is particularly good for white-water rafting. The state’s largest city is Columbia.

  • University of South Carolina (501-550 in the world; 98= in the US)

  • Clemson University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in South Carolina, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Tennessee

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Within reach of the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River, Tennessee has a diverse natural landscape as well as a rich cultural setting, perhaps most notable for its huge influence on American popular music including blues, rock and roll and country genres. The capital city of Tennessee is Nashville and the largest city is Memphis.

  • Vanderbilt University (182= in the world; 45= in the US)

  • University of Tennessee (431-440 in the world; 84= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Tennessee, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Texas

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Texas, the “super-sized state”, is the second most populous and second largest state in the US, sharing an international border with four Mexican states. Industry within energy, technology, biomedical science and aerospace continues to thrive here, and, with seven top US universities, Texas boasts one of the highest communities of international students. Austin is the capital and Houston is the largest city.

  • University of Texas at Austin (79th in the world; 26th in the US)

  • Rice University (129= in the world; 36th in the US)

  • Texas A&M University (165th in the world; 44th in the US)

  • University of Texas at Dallas (377= in the world; 77th in the US)

  • University of Houston (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

  • Southern Methodist University (651-700 in the world; 121= in the US)

  • Baylor University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Texas, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Utah

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Located towards the western part of the US, Utah is famously home to large Mormon communities. Although this is one of the vaster US states, the majority of the population (some 80%) is clustered along the Wasatch Front – a chain of cities and towns along the Wasatch Range of mountains. In 2012 Utah was voted the best state to live in based on health, lifestyle and economy.

  • University of Utah (313th in the world; 66th in the US)

  • Brigham Young University (651-700 in the world; 121= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Utah, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Vermont


Small and sparsely populated compared to many other US states, Vermont is situated in New England and is the leading producer of maple syrup in the US. The capital of Vermont is Montpelier and its largest city is Burlington, where its one internationally ranked university is located.

  • University of Vermont (481-490 in the world; 96= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Vermont, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Virginia

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Nicknamed the ‘Mother of Presidents’ and located in the South Atlantic region, Virginia has a diverse landscape shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and Chesapeake Bay, as well as big industry in technology and media. The capital city is Richmond, and Virginia Beach is its largest.

  • University of Virginia (141= in the world; 40th in the US)

  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech, 355= in the world; 73rd in the US)

  • College of William & Mary (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

  • Virginia Commonwealth University (551-600 in the world; 103= in the US)

  • George Mason University (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Virginia, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Washington

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Founded in the northwest upon the pacific coast and bordering the Canadian province of British Columbia, is the US state of Washington. Nicknamed ‘The Evergreen State’, Washington is home to the Olympic Mountains, an area covered in temperate rainforest. Washington’s biggest city is Seattle and its capital is Olympia.

  • University of Washington (65= in the world; 23= in the US)

  • Washington State University (379= in the world; 78th in the US)

To find out more about studying in Washington, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Washington DC

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Not actually a state, Washington DC is the capital district of the United States (DC = ‘District of Columbia’), located in the east below the state of Maryland. All thirteen branches of the federal government are located in Washington DC, as well as 176 foreign embassies and most famously the White House. Many students within the district are politically active.

  • Georgetown University (200= in the world; 51st in the US)

  • George Washington University (300= in the world; 64= in the US)

  • American University (431-440 in the world; 84= in the US)

  • Howard University (601-650 in the world; 111= in the US)

To find out more about studying in Washington DC, visit our state guide >

Top universities in Wisconsin

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Bordered by Lake Michigan to the east and Lake Superior to the south, Wisconsin is a Great Lakes state in the Midwest. Nicknamed ‘America’s Dairyland’, Wisconsin also has major economies in tourism and manufacturing. Its capital is Madison and its largest city is Milwaukee.

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (41= in the world; 17= in the US)

  • Marquette University (701+ in the world; 128= in the US)

Top Universities in the US by State 2014/15