9 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi

University in Prague Czech Republic

Information System


UK Information System (IS UK) consists of a “network” of interconnected systems, applications and other components, the core of which consists of a central HR application Whois Information System Study (IS Study), UK Central Authentication Service (CAS) and payroll system Elanor Global Java Edition (EGJE). These basic components provide selected data for all downstream systems and applications such as OBD system for registration of publishing, word processing application for scholarships to support scholarships, accommodation and social system of the Grant Agency of Charles University (UK GA) applications to support the agenda of Erasmus, the Accreditation Application management of accredited study programs and fields of study, professional advice and guarantors degree programs and courses, student theses repository, application for issue of cards and registration certificates issued by the university, economic systems, the system central registration of documents connected to the national information system of data boxes and a number of smaller applications, as operated for the university as a whole and individual faculties for their needs.


Individual parts of the UK IS and their mutual interface through continuous development, from both the legal requirements and the needs and requirements of its users and motivated by computerization other areas of university administration and tighter data linking individual agendas. Individual parts of the UK IS originated at different times, which is evident in their appearance and functionality. The intention is therefore older parts of the system, particularly those with large user communities, gradually varied to suit the current needs of users as well as current trends in information technology.

Currently the biggest challenge in developing IS UK is to undertake the redesign of the study information system for students, job seekers, study and guest users, who together form the largest group of users significantly this system. In addressing this task was carried out in 2013 a competition to design the graphic user interface of the system and create a custom user interface design in prototype form. This proposal will be used as part of the brief for the competition on its own implementation of this system and its connection interface to other system components. This competition will be announced in the first half of 2014.

Among other tasks in the field of IS UK were recently implemented, it is possible to appoint the completion of modules IS studies to support the agendas of state testing, innovation module for recording the results of study requirements, a new module for support of applications for recognition of learning outcomes, a new module for support evidence of student internships, adding applications to study the possibility of credit card payments, the English version of GA UK enabling work of foreign opponents, significant new applications of Personnel WhoIs support for the conclusion of labor relations, including the addition of workflow for processing employment documents (proposals at the conclusion of working contracts and agreements for work and for work), which is taking place at the gradual commissioning of the individual faculties UK, linking the registration of grants and grant support for projects on the agenda of economic systems faculties and create a new system of central registration of documents connected with the Information System data boxes.

In the following period, in addition to the aforementioned redesign of the study information system, work on completion of final repositories of works by students of other search options, completion of application Habilion to support habilitation and appointment management, HR applications WhoIs completion of the computerization of other areas (such as requests for leave, remuneration proposals, statements of work under contracts of work and work) and create a document repository, which would be different university systems and applications can use to store and manage documents.

The basic building blocks IS UK include the following systems and applications:

Information System Study

The system for students, educators, job seekers UK to study participants and lifelong learning programs, providing complete support learning agenda.

Repository of Theses

Overview of theses defended at the University, including the full texts of these works and their opinions.

Personnel and Payroll applications WhoIs system EGJE

Application WhoIs plays the role of a central register of persons who have a relationship with the UK (employees, students, participants in lifelong learning programs, board members and faculty, etc..), UK organizational structure and personnel (especially professional and career) data. EGJE payroll system is primarily used to calculate wages.

Application Scholarships for accommodation and social support scholarships

Applications designed for UK students applying for a scholarship to support requests for accommodation and scholarship.

Grant Agency of the UK

The UK for students (masters and doctoral program), used for applications Science Foundation UK (GAUK) and other paperwork associated with the entire life cycle of the project GAUK.

application Erasmus

Application designed primarily for students UK, serving the administration and processing of applications for study abroad in the framework of the LLP / Erasmus.

Evidence publishing activities – OBD

System for employees and students of UK, serving the central register of their publications, both for the purpose of presenting a complete bibliography UK, and reporting the results of science, research and other creative activities in the national register RIV.

Evidence of grants and projects

The system intended for the registration of grants and other funded projects run by individual faculties and other parts of the UK.

Document management – data box

UK system for employees serving the UK electronic communications with public authorities through the system of data boxes.

REHOS – applying for accommodation in dormitories

The system intended for those interested in accommodation in dormitories UK – especially for students and job seekers UK to study at faculties in Prague, Hradec Králové and Plzeň.


website : http://cuni.cz/

University in Prague Czech Republic